We try to manage, as far as possible, sustainable practices and measurable improvement targets. We are committed to sustainability, adopting a mindset oriented towards continuous improvement: in practice, every choice is guided by the effects it has on the environment, society and the future.
Environmental sustainability seeps into many small day-to-day practices and gestures in our work. Because of this, we have set projects with defined objectives which can be monitored and improved by the year.
We check and review the emissions of our business and outputs every year, aiming to reduce our carbon footprint from the very start, while we also participate in a global compensation project planting our forest with Treedom.
In 2023 we planted 200 new trees with Treedom: together with the 274 trees planted in previous years, they allow us to absorb 151.81 t of CO2.
Our company headquarters is supplied by 40% renewable energy, and we have at the moment excluded Gas/ methane. We monitor annual energy consumption, introducing reduction and/or conscious use targets such as smart working 3 days a week, remote meetings, public transport and electric vehicles.